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Opr/Zic5 is a zinc-finger gene belonging to, and unique in, the opa/Zic family. Its expression is found in the anterior epiblast and anterior neuroectoderm during gastrulation and early neurulation. Later, we found the expression characteristic in the dorsomedial parts of forebrain and midbrain. However, no defects were apparent in embryonic day 10.5 Opr null mutants, and subtle defects were later found in medial pallium and ventral structures of forebrain, suggesting the compensation of Opr deficiency by its cognate(s).  相似文献   

Although Hedgehog (HH) signaling plays a critical role in patterning the ventral midbrain, its role in early midbrain specification is not known. We examined the midbrains of sonic hedgehog (Shh) and smoothened (Smo) mutant mice where HH signaling is respectively attenuated and eliminated. We show that some ventral (Evx1+) cell fates are specified in the Shh-/- mouse in a Ptc1- and Gli1-independent manner. HH-independent ventral midbrain induction was further confirmed by the presence of a Pax7-negative ventral midbrain territory in both Shh-/- and Smo-/- mice at and before embryonic day (E) 8.5. Midbrain signaling centers are severely disrupted in the Shh-/- mutant. Interestingly, dorsal markers are up-regulated (Wnt1, Gdf7, Pax7), down-regulated (Lfng), or otherwise altered (Zic1) in the Shh-/- midbrain. Together with the increased cell death seen specifically in Shh-/- dorsal midbrains (E8.5-E9), our results suggest specific regulation of dorsal patterning by SHH, rather than a simple deregulation due to its absence.  相似文献   

Limb anomalies are important birth defects that are incompletely understood genetically and mechanistically. GLI3, a mediator of hedgehog signaling, is a genetic cause of limb malformations including pre- and postaxial polydactyly, Pallister-Hall syndrome and Greig cephalopolysyndactyly. A closely related Gli (glioma-associated oncogene homolog)-superfamily member, ZIC3, causes X-linked heterotaxy syndrome in humans but has not been investigated in limb development. During limb development, post-translational processing of Gli3 from activator to repressor antagonizes and posteriorly restricts Sonic hedgehog (Shh). We demonstrate that Zic3 and Gli3 expression overlap in developing limbs and that Zic3 converts Gli3 from repressor to activator in vitro. In Gli3 mutant mice, Zic3 loss of function abrogates ectopic Shh expression in anterior limb buds, limits overexpression in the zone of polarizing activity and normalizes aberrant Gli3 repressor/Gli3 activator ratios observed in Gli3+/- embryos. Zic3 null;Gli3+/- neonates show rescue of the polydactylous phenotype seen in Gli3+/- animals. These studies identify a previously unrecognized role for Zic3 in regulating limb digit number via its modifying effect on Gli3 and Shh expression levels. Together, these results indicate that two Gli superfamily members that cause disparate human congenital malformation syndromes interact genetically and demonstrate the importance of Zic3 in regulating Shh pathway in developing limbs.  相似文献   

Zic1 and Zic2 encode closely related zinc finger proteins expressed in dorsal neural tube and its derivatives. In previous studies, we showed that the homozygous Zic1 null mutation (Zic1 –/–) results in cerebellar malformation with severe ataxia and that holoprosencephaly and spina bifida occur in homozygotes for Zic2 knockdown mutation (Zic2 kd/kd). Since human ZIC2 haploinsufficiency is a cause of holoprosencephaly, the Zic2 kd/kd mice are regarded as an animal model for holoprosencephaly in humans. In this study, the behavioral characteristics of the Zic1 and Zic2 mutant mice were investigated in heterozygotes (Zic1 –/+ or Zic2 kd/+), and significant abnormalities were found in the hanging, spontaneous locomotor activity, stationary rod (Zic1 –/+), acoustic startle response, and prepulse inhibition tests (Zic2 kd/+). The abnormalities in the Zic1 –/+ mice may be explained in part by the hypotonia caused by hypoplasia of the cerebellar anterior vermis, and these mice are regarded as a model of Joubert syndrome. In contrast, the sensorimotor gating abnormality in the Zic2 kd/+ mice may be attributable to the presumed abnormality in the dorsomedial forebrain, which was strongly affected in the Zic2 kd/kd mice. Zic2 kd/+ mice can serve as a model for diseases involving sensorimotor gating abnormalities, such as schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Background: Murine Zic genes (Zic1–5) are expressed in the dorsal hindbrain and in periotic mesenchyme (POM) adjacent to the developing inner ear. Zic genes are involved in developmental signaling pathways in many organ systems, including the ear, although their exact roles haven't been fully elucidated. This report examines the role of Zic1, Zic2, and Zic4 during inner ear development in mouse mutants in which these Zic genes are affected. Results: Zic1/Zic4 double mutants don't exhibit any apparent defects in inner ear morphology. By contrast, inner ears from Zic2kd/kd and Zic2Ku/Ku mutants have severe but variable morphological defects in endolymphatic duct/sac and semicircular canal formation and in cochlear extension in the inner ear. Analysis of otocyst patterning in the Zic2Ku/Ku mutants by in situ hybridization showed changes in the expression patterns of Gbx2 and Pax2. Conclusions: The experiments provide the first genetic evidence that the Zic genes are required for morphogenesis of the inner ear. Zic2 loss‐of‐function doesn't prevent initial otocyst patterning but leads to molecular abnormalities concomitant with morphogenesis of the endolymphatic duct. Functional hearing deficits often accompany inner ear dysmorphologies, making Zic2 a novel candidate gene for ongoing efforts to identify the genetic basis of human hearing loss. Developmental Dynamics 243:1487–1498, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The midbrain-hindbrain (MHB) junction plays a key role in the patterning of the embryonic neural tube and the formation of brain structures such as the cerebellum. The mitogen wnt-1 is critical for cerebellar development, as evidenced by the lack of MHB region and cerebellar formation in the wnt-1 null embryo. We have generated wnt-1 null embryos overexpressing the gap junction gene connexin43 by crossing wnt-1 null heterozygotes into the CMV43 mouse line. We have confirmed that these mice show an increase in gap junctional communication by dye coupling analysis. Two-thirds of wnt-1 null CMV43(+) mouse embryos at E18.5 have a cerebellum. In addition, changes in the wnt-1 null phenotype in mouse embryos overexpressing connexin43 are observed as early as E9.5. At this stage, one-quarter of wnt-1 null CMV43(+) embryos display extra or expanded tissue present at the MHB boundary (a wnt-1 null enlarged phenotype). In situ hybridization studies conducted on these embryos have indicated no changes in the expression of embryonic brain positional markers in this region. We conclude from these studies that overexpression of the connexin43 gap junction restores cerebellar formation by compensating for the loss of wnt-1.  相似文献   

Tg737 mutant mice exhibit pathologic conditions in numerous tissues along with skeletal patterning defects. Herein, we characterize the skeletal pathologic conditions and confirm a role for Tg737 in skeletal patterning through transgenic rescue. Analyses were conducted in both the hypomorphic Tg737(orpk) allele that results in duplication of digit one and in the null Tg737(delta2-3betaGal) allele that is an embryonic lethal mutation exhibiting eight digits per limb. In early limb buds, Tg737 expression is detected throughout the mesenchyme becoming concentrated in precartilage condensations at later stages. In situ analyses indicate that the Tg737(orpk) mutant limb defects are not associated with changes in expression of Shh, Ihh, HoxD11-13, Patched, BMPs, or Glis. Likewise, in Tg737(delta2-3betaGal) mutant embryos, there was no change in Shh expression. However, in both alleles, Fgf4 was ectopically expressed on the anterior apical ectodermal ridge. Collectively, the data argue for a dosage effect of Tg737 on the limb phenotypes and that the polydactyly is independent of Shh misexpression.  相似文献   

The phenotype of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) null mutant mice is characterized by sensory ataxia and early postnatal death. Previous analysis revealed a severe depletion of peripheral sensory, sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. Most of the deficits are established early during embryonic development. Whereas absence of proprioceptive afferents can explain the sensory ataxia, the reasons for early postnatal death are unclear. To circumvent the limitations imposed by early mortality of null mutants we generated mouse line expressing NT-3 transgenes driven by the platelet-derived growth factor β-chain (PDGF-β) promoter, which is known to be active in neurons and mesenchyme derivatives. Mice carrying one or two PDGF-NT3 transgenes on a background null for wildtype NT-3 were generated by crossing with an NT-3 null strain. Although still ataxic, mice from this cross could survive for periods longer than a year. Histological analysis revealed a limited rescue of muscle spindles and parvalbumin immunoreactive sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Phenotypes associated with Msx1 mutations have established the prominent role of this divergent homeogene in skeletal patterning. Previous studies have been achieved during antenatal development in relation with the early death of null mutant mice. Therefore, the present study is devoted to Msx1 homeogene in the postnatal craniofacial, axial, and appendicular skeleton. A knock-in transgenic mouse line was studied from the first postnatal week until 15 months. Whole-mount beta-galactosidase enzymology identified Msx1 protein expression pattern. Maintained expression of Msx1 was observed in growing and adult mice, specifically in the sites where Msx1 plays an early morphogenetic role during initial skeletal patterning. These included the craniofacial sutures, autopodium, mandible, and alveolar bone. Furthermore, active membranous and endochondral bone formation involved Msx1 in the entire skeleton. Histologic sections showed that progenitor as well as differentiating and differentiated cells of all the bone cell lineages could express the Msx1 protein (chondrocytes, osteoblasts, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase positive osteoclasts and chondroclasts). Recent developments in the genetic and developmental biology of skeletal morphogenesis demonstrate that genes critical for development are jointly expressed in discrete embryonic signalling and growth centers, the enamel knot in teeth, the cranial suture in skull morphogenesis, and the progress zone in the limb buds. The present study suggests that these signalling pathways are jointly important throughout the entire lifetime with an exquisite site-specificity spatially related to early patterning.  相似文献   

We compared the expression and function of Xenopus Zic4 with those of the other four Xenopus laevis Zic family members (Zic1, Zic2, Zic3, and Zic5). Zic4 expression was detected mainly in the neural plate border, dorsal neural tube, and somites, and was similar to that of Zic1, which is adjacent to Zic4 on the same chromosome. Injection of wild-type or mutant Zic4 RNA caused the induction of neural crest marker gene expression, hyperplastic neural tissue, and ectopic pigment cell formation, indicating that Zic4 can induce neural and neural crest tissue, as can other Xenopus Zic genes. Deletion analysis showed that the zinc-finger domain is critical for many Zic4 functions, but the C-terminal region is differently involved in induction of two neural crest markers, Slug and Sox10. The protein function as determined by the animal cap explant assay was similar to that of Zic5, but different from those of Zic1, Zic2, and Zic3, suggesting that Xenopus Zic genes can be divided into two groups based on function. These results indicate that the five Xenopus Zic genes cooperatively regulate both neural and neural crest development, despite significantly diverged expression profiles and functions.  相似文献   

Mahogunin Ring Finger 1 (Mgrn1) encodes a RING-containing protein with ubiquitin ligase activity that has been implicated in pigment-type switching. In addition to having dark fur, mice lacking MGRN1 develop adult-onset spongy degeneration of the central nervous system and have reduced embryonic viability. Observation of complete situs inversus in a small proportion of adult Mgrn1 mutant mice suggested that embryonic lethality resulted from congenital heart defects due to defective establishment and/or maintenance of the left-right (LR) axis. Here we report that Mgrn1 is expressed in a pattern consistent with a role in LR patterning during early development and that many Mgrn1 mutant embryos show abnormal expression of asymmetrically expressed genes involved in LR patterning. A range of complex heart defects was observed in 20-25% of mid-to-late gestation Mgrn1 mutant embryos and another 20% were dead. This finding was consistent with 46-60% mortality of mutants by weaning age. Our results indicate that Mgrn1 acts early in the LR signaling cascade and is likely to provide new insight into this developmental process as Nodal expression was uncoupled from expression of other Nodal-responsive genes in Mgrn1 mutant embryos. Our work identifies a novel role for MGRN1 in embryonic patterning and suggests that the ubiquitination of MGRN1 target genes is essential for the proper establishment and/or maintenance of the LR axis.  相似文献   

Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is the most frequently observed human embryonic forebrain defect. Recent evidence indicates that the two major forms of HPE, classic HPE and midline interhemispheric (MIH) HPE, are elicited by two different mechanisms. The only gene known to be associated with both forms of HPE is Zic2. We used the zebrafish Danio rerio as a model system to study Zic knockdown during midline formation by looking at the close homolog Zic1, which is expressed in an overlapping fashion with Zic2. Zic1 knockdown in zebrafish leads to a strong midline defect including partial cyclopia due to attenuated Nodal and Hedgehog signaling in the anterior ventral diencephalon. Strikingly, we were able to show that Zic1 is also required for maintaining early forebrain expression of the retinoic acid (RA)-degrading enzyme cyp26a1. Zic1 LOF leads to increased RA levels in the forebrain, subsequent ventralization of the optic vesicle and down-regulation of genes involved in dorsal BMP signaling. Repression of BMP signaling in dorsal forebrain has been implicated in causing MIH HPE. This work provides a mechanistical explanation at the molecular level of why Zic factors are associated with both major forms of HPE.  相似文献   

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