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北京市顺义区农村4~12月龄婴幼儿营养素补充剂现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解北京市顺义区农村4~12月龄婴儿营养素补充剂现状。方法采用现场问卷调查的方法,对通过整群随机抽样方法获得的137名4~12月龄婴幼儿主要喂养人进行补充营养剂摄入情况的调查。结果营养素补充剂添加率为89.1%,主要添加的营养素为维生素A、维生素D、钙,添加率分别为83.2%、83.2%、78.1%。4~9月龄的婴幼儿维生素A、维生素D、钙营养素补充剂的添加率均低于10~12月龄的婴幼儿,且差异具有统计学意义(维生素A、Dχ2=4.410,P=0.036;钙χ2=5.253,P=0.022)。101名4~9月龄婴幼儿维生素A、维生素D、钙营养素平均每人每日的添加量为348、9.7μg、91 mg,达到了中国居民膳食营养参考摄入量(DRIS)的87.0%、97.0%、22.0%;36名10~12月龄婴幼儿维生素A、维生素D、钙营养素平均每人每日的添加量为540、8.8μg、138 mg,达到DRIS的108.0%、88.0%、23.0%。主要喂养人对营养补充的认知水平与是否补充维生素A、D、钙的差异具有统计学意义(维生素A、维生素Dt=-4.076,P=0.000;钙t=-3.750,P=0.000)。结论顺义区137名4~12月龄婴幼儿营养素补充剂添加不均衡,维生素A平均水均超过DRIS,钙平均水平低于DRIS。  相似文献   

目的了解并分析中国部分城市妇女在孕期和哺乳期营养补充剂的使用情况及其影响因素。方法 2015年4月-2016年12月在南京、成都、齐齐哈尔、郑州市妇幼保健院随机纳入405名哺乳期妇女为研究对象,其婴幼儿月龄为1~24月。通过问卷调查收集哺乳期妇女相关信息,提取其孕期和哺乳期营养补充剂使用的数据资料,对其使用情况进行描述性分析,运用Logistic回归分析相关影响因素。结果妇女孕期营养补充剂总使用率为81. 7%,主要服用的营养补充剂依次为叶酸(60. 5%)、钙(49. 4%)、复合营养素补充剂(27. 4%)、DHA (18. 0%)和铁(16. 3%);不同孕前体质量、家庭月收入组间孕期营养补充剂使用率比较,差异有统计学意义(P0. 05)。哺乳期营养补充剂总使用率为18. 0%,除钙使用率达到13. 8%外,其余均低于5. 0%。Logistic回归分析显示,孕期使用营养补充剂的积极因素为家庭月收入在2 000~4 999元间(OR=5. 572,95%CI:1. 547~20. 066),消极因素为孕前肥胖(OR=0. 223,95%CI:0. 058~0. 849)。结论妇女孕期补充剂使用具有一定普遍性,但补充种类与膳食缺乏情况存在差距;哺乳期补充剂使用率低,除钙剂外均未引起充分重视。低收入和肥胖人群是今后妇女孕期和哺乳期营养宣教的重点人群。  相似文献   

目的了解并分析中国3个城市乳母孕期及产后6月营养素补充剂的使用情况并探究其影响因素。方法在2017年12月—2018年12月间,于北京市、许昌市、苏州市妇幼保健院/社区卫生服务中心纳入产后1~5 d乳母256人,至产后6个月有207人参加了产后随访,对其孕期及产后6个月的营养素补充剂使用情况进行描述性分析,运用logistic回归分析相关影响因素。结果妇女孕期营养补充剂总使用率为82.03%,主要服用的营养补充剂依次为钙(61.33%)、叶酸(59.38%)、维生素(46.48%)、铁(20.31%)和锌(8.20%);不同地区妇女孕期营养补充剂使用率比较,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。哺乳期(产后6个月时)的营养补充剂总使用率为47.83%,其中钙使用率达43.00%,其余均10.0%。不同年龄段、地区及教育程度的妇女孕期营养补充剂使用率比较,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论妇女孕期钙类补充剂及叶酸补充率较高;哺乳期铁、锌补充率低。营养素补充剂的使用应结合妇女的所在地区、孕前体质指数(BMI)、教育背景、月收入、职业等因素,对不同人群进行有重点的营养宣教。  相似文献   

480例婴幼儿末梢血微量元素铁锌钙检测结果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析480例婴幼儿末梢血微量元素铁、锌、钙与骨代谢的关系。采用回顾性分析的方法对480例婴幼儿末梢血铁、锌、钙进行分析,同时查末梢血骨碱性磷酸酶。3岁以下婴幼儿血骨碱性磷酸酶活性增高占88.75%;铁、锌、钙严重缺乏,锌缺乏占48.54%,铁缺乏占28.96%,钙缺乏占3.96%;6~10月日光照射充足期间,婴幼儿铁、锌、钙缺乏率及缺乏程度明显低(P<0.01);婴幼儿月龄与锌缺乏有中度相关性(r=0.5),血骨碱性磷酸酶活性与锌缺乏有轻度相关性(r=0.23);母亲孕期末梢血锌、钙对婴幼儿锌、钙影响不明显;维生素D、锌与骨代谢之间的关系有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市通州区18岁及以下居民营养素补充剂服用情况,为重点人群营养素补充剂暴露量评估和营养健康教育提供依据。方法以北京市通州区通州镇8个居委会各100名18岁及以下居民为调查对象,采用中国营养学会"居民营养素补充剂使用指南研究专项"《中国居民补充营养素行为调查问卷》入户调查,分析营养素补充剂服用率及影响因素、服用种类和服用频率等。结果 18岁及以下居民营养素补充剂服用率为44.16%;0~5岁、6~12岁和13~18岁居民服用率分别为45.56%、42.86%和41.00%,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);男性服用率为44.82%,女性为43.49%,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,家庭年人均收入5万元(OR=1.688,95%CI:1.171~2.435)和父母服用营养素补充剂(OR=4.104,95%CI:3.023~5.573)是18岁及以下居民服用营养素补充剂的促进因素。钙、维生素D和复合维生素服用率较高,分别为26.10%、21.56%和8.31%;服用种数以1~2种为主,272人占80.00%;服用频率以几乎每天为主,200人占58.82%。结论通州区18岁及以下居民营养素补充剂服用率为44.16%;服用营养素补充剂与家庭经济条件、父母是否服用营养素补充剂有关;以服用钙和维生素D补充剂为主。  相似文献   

目的了解3~12岁中国儿童使用含锌补充剂的基本情况,并探讨儿童使用含锌营养补充剂的影响因素。方法采用多阶段整群抽样抽取中国7城市2农村3~12岁儿童1 806名,通过问卷调查等方法获得其0.5 a内含锌营养补充剂的使用情况及其个人一般情况、身体测量指标、智力水平、生活习惯、膳食频率、父母相关情况及家庭环境等资料。结果含锌营养补充剂总体使用率为13.7%;年龄越小(P〈0.01)、地区经济水平较高(P〈0.01)、母亲的文化程度越高(P〈0.01)、家长认为孩子较瘦(P=0.035)及外出就餐频率高(P〈0.01)的儿童更可能选择使用含锌补充剂;膳食中含锌食物频率较高的儿童,含锌补充剂使用率也较高(χ2趋=37.512,P〈0.05)。结论调查儿童含锌补充剂使用率不同,不同地区、家长文化程度、家长对孩子健康状况的认知等影响儿童及家长使用锌补充剂。  相似文献   

中国成年居民营养补充剂的消费现状   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:分析我国成年居民使用营养补充剂的现状,为有针对性地制定干预策略和相关政策提供基础资料。方法:使用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查数据,对53159名18岁及以上居民的营养补充剂使用率及其中钙制品、铁剂、维生素和其他保健食品的使用率进行分析。结果:我国18岁及以上居民营养补充剂的使用率为5.1%,其中钙制品、铁剂、维生素和其他保健食品的使用率分别为3.4%、1.3%、2.4%和2.2%。营养补充剂的使用率表现为城市高于农村,女性高于男性,60岁及以上年龄组、45-59岁年龄组、18-44岁年龄组使用率依次降低。结论:我国成年居民中使用营养补充剂尚不普遍。  相似文献   

目的了解中国妊娠期妇女在孕早期、孕中期和孕晚期营养素补充剂的使用现状和地区差异,为指导孕妇合理使用营养素补充剂提供参考依据。方法本研究数据来自中国孕产妇队列研究·协和项目,纳入15个省(自治区、直辖市)的24家医院进行首次孕检的孕早期孕妇9 189名,并在孕中期随访到5 588名孕妇,孕晚期随访到4 305名孕妇。采用问卷调查随访收集孕妇的基本信息和孕早期、孕中期、孕晚期营养素补充剂的使用情况。采用SPSS 22.0软件进行χ~2检验和多因素非条件logistic回归分析。结果孕早期使用率最高的营养素补充剂是叶酸,使用率为89.1%,孕中、晚期使用率最高的是钙剂,使用率分别为78.1%和87.7%。除叶酸外,复合维生素、维生素D、钙、铁、DHA、膳食纤维、益生菌在孕中期和孕晚期的使用率均高于孕早期。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,南方地区复合维生素和益生菌的使用率在孕早期、孕中期、孕晚期均低于北方地区(P0.05);孕早期叶酸的使用率南方高于北方,孕中、晚期叶酸的使用率南方低于北方(P0.05);在孕中、晚期,中部地区维生素D、钙、铁补充剂的使用率均低于东部地区,西部地区铁补充剂的使用率也低于东部地区(P0.05);孕中、晚期西部地区孕妇DHA的使用率均高于东部地区,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论本研究中孕妇的营养素补充剂使用率较高,但是不同地区的营养素使用率存在较大差异,应结合孕妇的营养需求和膳食营养素摄入情况,有针对性地进行健康教育,帮助孕妇合理地使用营养素补充剂。  相似文献   

目的通过横断面调查,描述营养素补充剂的使用率和日均使用量。方法采用多阶段随机整群抽样抽取中国7城市2农村岁3~12岁儿童1 823名,通过6个月内营养素补充剂调查问卷获得其营养素补充剂摄入情况。结果3~6岁儿童各营养素补充率均高于7~12岁儿童(P均0.05)。3~12岁儿童最常使用的营养素依次为钙(27.46%),维生素D(16.61%),锌(13.73%),维生素B2(12.35%),维生素B12(12.30%),维生素B1(12.24%),维生素C(12.18%),维生素A(11.35%),维生素B6(10.47%),叶酸(8.68%),烟酸(7.03%),泛酸(6.70%),维生素E(6.17%),铁(4.87%)。来自于补充剂的日均营养素摄入量分布范围跨度较大,且有部分极值超过可耐受最高量。大多数补充剂摄入量低于推荐量,3~6岁儿童维生素A补充剂摄入量均值和中位数高于推荐量。结论维生素A补充剂摄入量存在一定程度的超量风险。要更准确地评估儿童的营养状态和潜在的健康风险,应建立营养素补充剂摄入量的推荐标准和安全范围。  相似文献   

北京市居民营养补充剂使用现况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解北京市各类人群营养补充剂的使用现况及相关因素。方法采用多阶段整群抽样法,共抽取北京市6区县4561人,问卷调查其营养补充剂的使用情况及相关情况。结果北京市居民营养补充剂的使用率为11.9%(标化率为10.1%),男性为9.0%(标化率为7.7%),女性为14.5%(标化率为12.4%)。使用率最高是维生素-矿物质复合补充剂。不同年龄、经济水平、文化水平、健康状况以及健康相关行为不同的人群,营养补充剂的使用率不同。结论北京市居民营养补充剂使用率远低于发达国家的水平。  相似文献   

There is a growing use of dietary supplements in many countries including China. This study aimed to document the prevalence of dietary supplements use and characteristics of Chinese pre-school children using dietary supplements in Australia and China. A survey was carried out in Perth, Western Australia of 237 mothers with children under five years old and 2079 in Chengdu and Wuhan, China. A total of 22.6% and 32.4% of the Chinese children were taking dietary supplements in Australia and China, respectively. In China, the most commonly used dietary supplements were calcium (58.5%) and zinc (40.4%), while in Australia, the most frequently used types were multi-vitamins/minerals (46.2%) and fish oil (42.3%). In Australia, “not working”, “never breastfeed”, “higher education level of the mother” and “older age of the child” were associated with dietary supplement use in children. In China, being unwell and “having higher household income” were significantly related to dietary supplement usage. Because of the unknown effects of many supplements on growth and development and the potential for adverse drug interactions, parents should exercise caution when giving their infants or young children dietary supplements. Wherever possible it is preferable to achieve nutrient intakes from a varied diet rather than from supplements.  相似文献   

This report presents the prevalence of the leading types of dietary supplements taken during the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), 1988-94. Approximately 40 percent of the U.S. population 2 months of age and older reported taking some type of dietary supplement in NHANES III, and the leading supplements taken were multivitamin/multiminerals (22 percent), multivitamins plus vitamin C (15 percent), vitamin C as a single vitamin (13 percent), other dietary supplements such as herbal and botanical supplements (7 percent), and vitamin E as a single vitamin (6 percent). To some extent, the leading types of supplements and order changed after stratifying the results by sex and age groups. Other major contributors were multivitamins with iron or fluoride taken by children, iron taken by adolescent and young adult females, and calcium taken by middle-aged and elderly females. There was also a high prevalence of use of potassium among middle-aged and elderly adults but this probably reflects its use as a medication rather than as a dietary supplement. Collecting information on dietary supplement use is an important part of monitoring the nutritional status of the U.S. population.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of the use of vitamin D and other dietary supplements by Finnish children at the age of 2 and 3 years, to evaluate daily nutrient intake from supplements, and to investigate the relation between supplement use and various sociodemographic factors. The families of 534 newborn infants were invited to a birth cohort study in 1996-1997. Families of 292 children at the child's age of 2 years and families of 263 children at the age of 3 years completed a three-day food record from which the daily use of dietary supplements was calculated. The frequency of dietary supplement use was 50% among the two-year-olds, and 37% among the three-year-old children. The most commonly used supplements among the two-year-olds were vitamin D or vitamin A + D combination (38%) and fluoride (16%) and among the three-year-olds fluoride (19%) and multivitamins (16%), respectively. Intake of nutrients other than vitamin D or fluoride from supplements was rare among two-year-olds, whereas 16% of the three-year-olds received also vitamin A, C, E, and several group B vitamins. Mean daily intake of vitamin D from supplements was 6.7 micrograms at the age of 2 years and 5.3 micrograms at the age of 3 years, respectively. The level of parental education was positively associated with the child's vitamin D supplementation at the age of 2 years. As the compliance with national recommendations of vitamin D supplementation was low, intensified counseling of the parents is needed at the well-baby clinics in Finland.  相似文献   

The use of vitamin and mineral supplements by children and teenagers in NHANES II was examined for relationships with demographic variables, dietary intakes from food, and biochemical measures of nutritional status and was compared with use reported in other nutrition studies. The number of regular supplement users decreased with age until about age 13, when the percentage of boys using supplements plateaued at about 10% but the percentage of use among girls increased. In general, children were more likely to receive supplements if they came from families with a household head who was white and better educated. Children from the lowest income level (poverty index less than 1.0) received supplements less frequently than other children. Among preschool children, supplement use by mothers and children was highly correlated. For most age groups, supplement users consumed more vitamin C from food than non-users. Users of supplements had higher mean serum levels of vitamins A and C and a lower incidence of low serum values for those nutrients than non-users. Fewer children took iron supplements than vitamin supplements, but most of the iron supplements were taken as part of a multiple vitamin plus iron preparation. There were no significant differences in either mean values for indexes of iron status or the percentage of low iron status values between children who received supplemental iron and those who did not.  相似文献   

The use of vitamin and mineral supplements is increasing among young individuals. We surveyed 972 Korean teenagers (age 13-18 y ) for their use of vitamin/mineral supplements, their motivational factors, and the dietary consequences of supplement use. Prevalence of vitamin/mineral supplement use was 31%. Supplement use was highest in high-school students, females, individuals living in rural communities, and individuals from families in high socioeconomic strata. The supplements used most frequently were vitamin C, multivitamins, and vitamin A. Supplement users had a more positive view of the potential health benefits of supplements than did non-users. Most supplements were taken daily. Vitamins B2, B6, and C were the most frequently ingested nutrients from vitamin/mineral supplements. Vitamin/mineral intakes from supplements had a wide range, with mean intakes typically exceeding Korean or the U.S./Canadian recommended dietary allowances. Vitamins B12, B1, and C and iron comprised 2770%, 1930%, 1120%, and 1026%, respectively, of the Korean recommended dietary allowances. When nutrient intakes from the diet and supplements were combined, intakes of niacin, vitamin C, and iron exceeded the recommended upper-intake levels for these nutrients. The health benefits and risks of supplement use by teenagers merits further study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objective of this article is to report longitudinal patterns of nutrient supplementation in children, to quantify nutrient intakes from supplements and diet, and to examine relationships between supplement use and sociodemographic factors. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: Subjects were followed prospectively from birth to 24 months with periodic questionnaires on vitamin/mineral supplement use. Food diaries were completed to report food and beverage intake. Estimates of daily intakes of vitamins and minerals were calculated. Fisher's Exact tests and t tests were used to assess the association of sociodemographic variables with supplement use. RESULTS: A substantial proportion of young children used supplements. The prevalence of supplement use increased with age. By the end of 24 months, 31.7% used some supplement. Young supplement users consume supplements regularly, ranging from 40% to 60% of days reported. The majority of young children in this cohort could obtain adequate vitamins and minerals from diet alone for the first 24 months of life. Intakes of some nutrients from diet alone, such as vitamin E and folate, were not sufficient for a large proportion of young children. However, intake above the dietary reference intake was observed for a few nutrients, in particular for vitamin A. CONCLUSIONS: Use of nutrient supplements is a common behavior during the first 2 years of life. This study shows that most young children obtain adequate nutrients from diet alone. Health professionals should provide recommendations for nutrient supplementation of generally healthy children based on an assessment of their dietary practices.  相似文献   

We used nationally representative data from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) to examine the relationship between low iron stores (serum ferritin < 12 microg/L) and dietary patterns that might affect iron status among Mexican American (MA) and non-Hispanic white (NHW) girls and women of reproductive age (12-39 y). Dietary data from the qualitative food-frequency questionnaire were used to classify subjects into three categories (using the 25th and 75th quartile values for NHW) for intake of heme iron, nonheme iron, iron absorption enhancers, and iron absorption inhibitors. The prevalence of low iron stores was 17.4% among MA (n = 1368) and 7.9% among NHW (n = 1473). Compared with high intake, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for low iron stores was 1.80 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.24-2.62] for medium intake of heme iron and 0.48 (95% CI, 0.25-0.91) for low intake of nonheme iron (plus iron supplement). Compared with no use, use of vitamin C supplements was associated with half the risk of low iron stores (OR = 0.50; 95% CI, 0.29-0.87). Similar results were found after income and parity were controlled for, except that the protective effect of vitamin C supplements was no longer significant. Even after adjustment for sociodemographic and dietary factors, MA women remained at increased risk for low iron stores (OR = 1.80; 95% CI, 1.30-2.49) indicating that the reasons for the higher prevalence of iron deficiency in MA women warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Although supplement use is prevalent in North America, there is little information on how supplements affect the prevalence of nutrient adequacy or risk of intakes greater than the tolerable upper intake level (UL). The objectives of this study were to compare the prevalence of nutrient adequacy and percent of intakes greater than the UL from diet alone between supplement users and nonusers and determine the contribution of supplements to nutrient intakes. Dietary intakes (24-h recall) and supplement use (previous 30 d) from respondents ≥1 y in the Canadian Community Health Survey 2.2 (n = 34,381) were used to estimate the prevalence of nutrient adequacy and intakes greater than the UL. Software for Intake Distribution Evaluation was used to estimate usual intakes. The prevalence of nutrient adequacy from diet alone was not significantly higher among supplement users than nonusers for any nutrient. Based on diet alone, children 1-13 y had a low prevalence of nutrient adequacy (<30%) except for vitamin D and calcium. Among respondents ≥14 y, inadequacies of vitamins A and D, calcium, and magnesium were >30%. For other nutrients, there was a low prevalence of nutrient adequacy. There were no nutrient intakes greater than the UL from diet alone, except zinc in children. When supplements were included, ≥10% of users in some age/sex groups had intakes of vitamins A and C, niacin, folic acid, iron, zinc, and magnesium greater than the UL, reaching >80% for vitamin A and niacin in children. In conclusion, from diet alone, the prevalence of nutrient adequacy was low for most nutrients except for calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A and D. For most nutrients, supplement users were not at greater risk of inadequacy than nonusers; supplement use sometimes led to intakes greater than the UL.  相似文献   

Redox-active iron present at physiological levels in the pulmonary epithelial lining fluid may lead to damage of lung tissue under some circumstances. For example, factors that increase potential for oxidative stress, such as higher intake of heme iron or higher intake of vitamin C in the presence of high intake of iron, might increase the risk of lung cancer, whereas higher intake of the antioxidant zinc might decrease that risk. During 16 yr of follow-up, 34,708 postmenopausal women, aged 55-69 yr at baseline who completed a food-frequency questionnaire for the Iowa Women's Health Study, were followed for 700 incident lung cancers. When subjects were stratified by intake of vitamin C supplements, among women who took vitamin C supplements of >500 mg/day, after adjusting for age, total energy intake, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and dietary zinc or dietary heme iron intake, relative risks across categories of dietary heme iron intake were 1.0, 0.85, 0.93, 1.32, 1.70, and 3.77 (P for trend = 0.05; P for interaction = 0.08), whereas corresponding figures for dietary zinc intake were 1.0, 1.15, 0.71, 0.84, 0.61, and 0.11 (P for trend = 0.12; P for interaction = 0.04). The strength of the associations of heme iron and zinc intake with lung cancer appeared to be stronger with increasing levels of vitamin C supplement intake. Our results suggest that high dietary heme iron intake may increase the risk of lung cancer, whereas high dietary zinc may decrease the risk of lung cancer among postmenopausal women who consume high-dose vitamin C supplements. This finding may be of particular importance to smokers, for whom vitamin C supplementation is a common recommendation.  相似文献   

We investigated the use of dietary supplements among adult Korean consumers, including associations involving sociodemographic variables, lifestyle characteristics, health-related factors, and dietary supplement use. The data were derived from the 2005 third Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination data among 4,775 adults (1,983 men and 2,792 women) regarding medical examinations and diet. In general, 21.8% of the male and 32.0% of the female respondents used dietary supplements regularly. Dietary supplement users tended to reside in large cities and to have higher monthly incomes. People with bone diseases consumed 1.71 times higher (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.19 to 2.46) amounts of supplements than those without such diseases. Among dietary supplement users, female respondents expressed a preference for carbohydrates (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 3.79; 95% CI 1.33 to 10.79). The intake rates for vitamin/mineral complexes tended to increase with age (P for trend 0.007) and respondents earning higher incomes expressed a preference for minerals, vitamin/mineral complexes, and terpenes. Carbohydrate use decreased among those with higher education levels: high school graduates were 0.48 times (95% CI 0.23 to 0.99) and those with college or above were 0.24 times (95% CI 0.07 to 0.83) more likely to use carbohydrates. Nonsmokers (OR 2.63; 95% CI 1.68 to 4.13), nondrinkers (OR 1.73; 95% CI 1.09 to 2.73), and those with bone disease (OR 2.19; 95% CI 1.24 to 3.86) expressed a preference for vitamins. Those who had been diagnosed with a chronic disease showed a preference for terpenes (OR 2.81; 95% CI 1.03 to 7.68). These results indicate that dietary supplement use might be affected by certain sociodemographic, lifestyle, and health characteristics.  相似文献   

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