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目的研究口腔医院就诊患者满意度,促进口腔医疗服务质量的提高。方法在第四军医大学口腔医院门诊各科室现场按1:4的比例抽取就诊患者进行问卷调查。计算各调查项目满意率,进行统计描述分析。结果共调查患者1809人,第四军医大学口腔医院门诊医疗服务满意率达到90%以上的调查项目分别是接诊医生服务态度、接诊医生医疗质量、辅助人员服务态度、诊疗环境。对医疗价格满意率最低,为21.1%,不同收入水平患者对医疗价格满意率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.752,P=0.008),初诊患者和复诊患者对医疗价格满意率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.456,P=0.001)。结论第四军医大学口腔医院门诊患者对医院医疗服务整体满意率相对较高,对医疗收费满意率低。  相似文献   

广东省口腔医院门诊药房服务患者满意度调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解口腔专科医院门诊药房服务质量的现状,以利于改进提高患者对口腔医院门诊药房服务的满意度.方法设计医院门诊药房服务满意度调查表,采用便利抽样法对广东省口腔医院200名患者进行问卷调查,通过调查分析探讨患者对口腔专科医院门诊药房服务的满意度.结果回收有效问卷188份,有效回收率为94%.患者对取药的方便程度、取药等候时间、药品的包装质量、药品价格、药房的环境、药师的服务态度、药师对用药的解释指导等满意度分值分别为4.15、4.28、4.21、3.51、4.07、4.18、3.93.结论患者对目前口腔医院门诊药房服务的总体表现是满意的,主要集中在取药的方便程度、取药等候时间、药品的包装质量、药房的环境、药师的服务态度;认为门诊药房服务一般的主要是药品价格和药师的解释指导;基本没有对门诊药房服务不满意的.  相似文献   

目的 研究正畸患者就诊的目的、动机和就诊满意度,促进正畸科口腔医疗服务质量的提高.方法 随机抽取口腔正畸科门诊咨询及治疗患者1065人进行问卷调查,对结果进行描述分析.结果 研究发现正畸治疗的主要原因是影响容貌美观及个人形象;儿童主要是应父母的要求前来就诊,而成人病人主要是为了社交、工作及恋爱、婚姻的需要;患者最为关心的问题主要包括医生技术水平、治疗效果,疗程长短及收费的高低.90%以上的复诊患者对接诊医生服务态度与医疗质量,护士及导医的服务态度及质量,诊疗环境满意或基本满意.结论 最大程度获得颜面部及牙齿的美观是正畸患者就诊的主要原因;患者对西安交通大学口腔医院正畸医疗服务整体满意率相对较高,对等候或排队时间满意率低.  相似文献   

口腔疾病患者就医观念及行为特点浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈家平  吴友农 《口腔医学》2004,24(5):303-305
目的 分析口腔疾病就诊者对口腔健康的观念和就医行为,为口腔卫生服务机构制定相关措施提供依据。方法对在2003年爱牙日期间来院就诊的患者随机抽取464例进行开放式问卷调查。结果 464例被调查者中,244例(52.59%)对口腔健康很重视,希望得到口腔卫生指导,但只有112例(24.14%)会定期去医院检查口腔。81.03%的患者会选择去正规医院治疗;71.55%的患者认为在周末看病最方便。62.93%的患者认为看口腔疾病不一定要找专家,8.62%的患者认为进修医生、实习医生只要认真负责也行。结论 医院在口腔健康教育方面要加强,同时可开设夜门诊、节假日门诊,以方便患者就医。  相似文献   

目的探索适合口腔专科医院门诊患者满意度评价的量表,为建立患者满意度评价体系提供参考。方法设计口腔专科医院门诊患者满意度预量表,限定时段抽取口腔专科医院门诊患者进行定点匿名自填式问卷调查,用临界比率值法和相关分析法对量表的项目进行调整,用Cronbach’sα系数和因子分析法评价量表的信度和效度。结果护士技术评价因调查指示效能不佳剔除(P=0.066),护士态度评价因与医护服务相关性较强调整至医护服务因素(r=0.676),秩序评价因相关性较弱从等待时间因素中剔除(r=0.436)。调整后的量表包括24个项目7个因素,因素包括医护服务、等待时间、费用、医辅服务、环境、知情选择、治疗效果,总Cronbach’sα系数为0.902。24个项目拟合成4个因子,效度测定值为0.891。结论调整后的量表具有较高的信度和效度,主要从医疗服务的水平、就诊者经济便利程度和诊疗服务环境等因素综合评价门诊患者满意度。  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于“互联网+”的健康管理模式在口腔种植患者围手术期中的应用效果。方法 选取北京大学口腔医院2023年1月至2023年10月进行口腔种植的患者58例,按照随机数字表法将其随机分为试验组29例和对照组29例。对照组实施常规健康管理模式,试验组给予基于“互联网+”的健康管理模式,干预后比较两组患者种植手术术后并发症发生率、术前准备依从性、牙科畏惧情况及种植手术满意度的差异。结果 试验组患者在术前牙周治疗和挂号时测量血压方面依从性高于对照组,牙科畏惧总分及其各维度方面的得分均低于对照组,对术后复诊提醒和医护服务态度满意度等方面得分高于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组患者在种植术后并发症发生情况、术前进食、术前女性不化妆、男性刮胡须及减少吸烟依从性,术前与术后健康指导、健康指导方式、术后随访沟通渠道便捷性及满意度总分等方面差异均没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 基于“互联网+”的健康管理模式有利于提高口腔种植患者术前牙周治疗和挂号时测量血压的依从性,减轻种植患者手术时的牙科畏惧,在术后复诊提醒方面具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的 调查了解杭州地区主要医院口腔科和主流口腔医院的患者对医疗服务的满意情况。方法 采用自行设计的问卷对随机抽取的患者进行问卷调查,主要内容包括对医护人员技术、态度、口腔科环境以及收费等一系列流程的满意程度和意见。将患者分为青少年、青年、中年和老年4组。结果 本次调查有效问卷率98%。在对前台接待人员和医护人员的服务态度和医生操作技术上,老年组的满意率最高;在就诊过程中,青年组患者表示稍有不适的有45.4%,为4组最高。在口腔卫生护理指导方面,98%以上的患者都表示得到了相应的建议;在候诊时间方面,4个组看法有差异。结论 患者群对杭州主要医院口腔科的整体医疗服务基本满意。  相似文献   

目的:总结作者13年中采用阿霉素神经干内注射治疗原发性三叉神经痛患者285例(339支神经)的经验.方法:对因颌面部出现阵发性剧痛的门诊患者,通过询问病史及临床检查,确诊为原发性三叉神经痛并确定罹患的神经分支后,即行手术,显露其神经束,于束内注入0.5%阿霉素.术后随访观察6个月~13 a,评价疗效.结果:285例患者均于门诊一次完成诊疗,整个过程约lh,所有病例于24~48 h内疼痛停止发作.随访中,有73支分布区出现疼痛复发,复发率约21%,89例出现其他分支疼痛.结论:本组病例证实,阿霉素神经干内注射治疗原发性三叉神经痛疗效确切,无严重并发症.  相似文献   

目的探讨六手操作护理在口腔特需门诊种植治疗中的应用效果。方法在常规四手操作的基础上增加1名巡回护士,负责导医预约、安抚患者、健康教育、费用告知、外围辅助、器械管理、病历资料管理等工作。结果经过3年的实践,六手操作后医生日均业务量上升164.6%,诊治患者总数上升13.1%,种植修复量上升170.9%。对照抽查经四手操作与六手操作完成治疗的患者,采用六手操作后,患者的舒适度提升15.5%,对治疗相关情况的了解程度提升10.3%,护理满意度提升2.9%,治疗后卫生宣教、随访跟踪率等提升10.2%。结论六手操作的应用为患者提供更人性化的服务和专业的技术,既满足社会发展的需求,也为医院与医生赢得更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

北京地区正畸患者对错畸形认识的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究北京地区正畸患者对错畸形的认识。方法 随机抽取北京医科大学正畸科门诊咨询患者 10 38人 ,平均年龄 14.79岁及北京五个城区的五所中小学适龄儿童 10 0 0人 ,平均年龄 12 .6 8岁做问卷调查。结果 研究结果发现 :1.门诊咨询挂号患者对错畸形的了解程度低于普通人群。 2 .听说过正畸治疗的人群在北京五个城区无差异。 3.前来门诊咨询挂号的患者了解正畸治疗的途径主要是社会关系和医疗途径。结论 无论是正畸治疗人群还是普通人群 ,对错畸形还很不了解 ,提高他们对正畸治疗的认识十分必要。  相似文献   

Information about drug used and medical history among dental patients would be useful for dental practice and teaching of clinical pharmacology. Therefore, 541 consecutive adult outpatients of Mahidol dental school were studied in 1987. The names of drug used and medical problems were obtained by direct questioning. Out of patients surveyed, 307 (56.7%) were taking drugs and the most commonly drug used was non-narcotic analgesics. 300 patients (55.4%) had medical problems and allergy was the most common disease. The frequency of patients who taking drugs and having medical problems varied between age groups. The highest frequency of medication intake was found in patients with age above thirty. The highest frequency of significant medical conditions was found in patients with age above fifty. The data from this investigation revealed that the medical problems of patients which affect dental treatment were very common. Consequently, the dental personnel should study more about the pharmacology of systemic drugs and the nature of systemic diseases.  相似文献   

目的:分析种植义齿修复患者医疗获得感现状,探讨提高患者获得感的方法.方法:选取自2018.12.1-2020.11.30在解放军第960医院口腔科接受种植义齿修复完成6个月以上患者共171名,采用口腔种植义齿修复患者医疗获得感调查问卷表,进行问卷调查,进行多元线性回归分析和Spearman相关性分析,了解患者医疗获得感...  相似文献   

The outpatient treatment program for dental extraction in persons with the various forms of hemophilia has been reported. This program was initiated at the Hemophilia Rehabilitation Center at Orthopaedic Hospital in Los Angeles in 1966. During the nine years of this program, 260 patients have had 642 teeth extracted. eighty percent of these patients were outpatients and 64% of the extractions were performed on an outpatient basis. This outpatient treatment has been accompanied by an absence of a significant number of complications as evidenced by the postextraction hospitalization of only five patients during the nine-year period. The surgical technique uses a local anesthetic containing a vasoconstrictor or an ultralight intravenous general anesthetic in addition to the local anesthetic for the apprehensive or acutely infected patient. EACA is used as an antifibrinolytic agent postsurgically. Patient education and cooperation, diet control, and daily contact are important factors for the success of an outpatient oral surgery program for hemophilic patients.  相似文献   

There are three basic modes of delivering dental care to elderly handicapped patients:
1. 1. As outpatients requiring transport. Treated by general dental practitioners, the community dental service or as hospital outpatients.
2. 2. In a simple clinic within an institution.
3. 3. Domiciliary treatment including visits by a dentist to unequipped wards or institutions.

In many cases, the choice between different modes of delivery depends upon the treatment needed, venue, services, equipment and facilities available, as well as cost and attitudes of those involved.

Data from use of all three modes is presented and is related to the physical, medical and mental state of the patients and to the factors which contribute to the cost-effectiveness of treatment.  相似文献   

Hemophilic patients must be thought of as special patients. Since routine dental procedures, however, do not usually involve bleeding, there is no contraindication to general dental treatment for hemophiliacs. Aspirin-containing compounds should never be prescribed. Caution must be used with local anesthetic block techniques. Preventive dentistry is vital to the younger hemophiliac; older hemophiliacs may require extensive treatment to restore mouths that have been neglected for years. Surgical dental procedures are now considered possible for hemophiliacs and may be performed on an outpatient basis, but they must be judiciously coordinated by the dental and medical team.  相似文献   

目的:探讨咽成形术后患者语音治疗完成情况及其主要影响因素。方法 :对292例咽成形术后患者(男154例,女138例,平均年龄14.57岁),进行电话随访,直接与患者或其家长接触,以标准调查问卷问答后,汇总答案,计算回访率、失访率、完成率、中断率,并总结影响患者术后语音治疗完成情况的因素。结果:本次电话随访失访率为21.57%,最终完成语音训练患者占已联系患者的52.84%,占总样本量的41.44%,其余患者因各种原因未进行语音治疗或中断治疗;造成咽成形术后回访困难的因素主要有距离、经济、时间、心理、家长受教育程度、儿童配合能力等;尤其年龄较大患儿,由于发音习惯已经养成,训练疗程更长,多因抵触、自卑等情绪中断治疗。结论:咽成形术后语音训练回访率低,中断率高,其原因复杂,临床上应针对这些因素对患者家庭进行个性化宣教。  相似文献   

Abstract – Background/Aim: In addition to medical advice, telemedical centers also provide counseling on the telephone for patients with dental injuries. Material and Methods: Data from a Swiss telemedical center during the years 2001–2008 were analyzed retrospectively. Results: A total of 371 988 medical consultations were recorded. Of these, 3430 concerned dental problems, with 672 reports about dental trauma following accidents with 772 injuries. The patients average age was 8.6 years (range 0–73 years). About two‐thirds of the cases belonged to the age group 0–6 years, and one‐third to the group of 7–80 years. The reasons for calling were dislocations (53%), fractures (31.9%), and avulsions (7.9%). In 76.2% of the cases, the center was contacted on the day of the accident. The majority of the patients (60%) contacted the telemedical center during the so‐called ‘out of office hours’ (Monday to Friday 6 pm to 8 am, and Saturday/Sunday all day). Conclusions: Telemedicial services can be helpful for cases related to dental trauma and may provide valuable support when a dentist is not available.  相似文献   

Analysis and treatment of dental and medical factors that can cause burning mouth were performed in 25 consecutive patients according to a treatment protocol. The effect of the dental and medical treatment on the burning mouth was evaluated. The sick leave profile was presented. Apart from burning mouth symptoms, the patients reported several oral and general symptoms, such as gustatory changes, xerostomia, back and joint muscle pain, headache, and dizziness. The most common dental diagnoses were temporomandibular joint, masticatory, and tongue muscle dysfunction and lesions in the oral mucosa. The most common medical diagnoses were low serum iron and hypersensitive reaction to mercury. None of the patients tested exceeded the limit of 100 nmol Hg/l urine. Replacement of amalgam fillings was the most common dental therapy, followed by treatment of dysfunction in the masticatory system. Iron replacement was the most frequent medical treatment. The patients had over 50% more days per year sick leave than an age- and sex-matched normal population. A follow-up found that the burning mouth had disappeared in 32% of the patients. This study confirms the opinion that burning mouth is multicausal. Hypersensitive reaction to mercury was more frequent than expected, but replacement of amalgam fillings relieved burning mouth in only two of five such patients, and one of these two patients had hypersensitive reactions to both mercury and gold. One reason that so many patients continued to have burning mouth might have been neglect of dental, medical, or both diagnoses. Another reason might be that assessment of the psychologic status of the patients and psychologic treatment when indicated were not done.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about dental problems suffered by travellers abroad. This study was designed to investigate travel insurance claims made by travellers from Australia for dental conditions, particularly examining demographic factors, type of travel insurance coverage, nature and duration of travel, when dental treatment was sought during travel, use of emergency assistance, type of treatment, and claim outcome, including cost. METHODS: 1,289 claims submitted during 1998-99 to a major Australian-based travel insurance company were examined for dental claims. RESULTS: 104 (8.1%) claims for dental conditions were submitted, of which 45 (43.3%) were made by male and 59 (56.7%) by female travellers. The majority of claimants were in the 60 years and over age group 54 (52.4%). Dental conditions reported required conservative (mostly fillings) 31 (29.8%), endodontic (mostly root canal treatment) 19 (18.3%), prosthodontic 27 (26.0%), periodontal 8 (7.7%), oral and maxillofacial surgery 2 (1.9%) and other or multiple 17 (16.3%) treatments. Use of the travel insurance emergency telephone service for dental conditions was reported in only seven cases (6.7%). Almost two-thirds 64 (61.5%) of claims were accepted. Claims for prosthodontic treatment were significantly less likely to be accepted. The majority of dental conditions did not require further medical investigations, 74 (71.2%). The mean cost of payouts to claims was AU$238.06 for males and AU$182.58 for females. Claims for endodontic and prosthodontic treatment were significantly more expensive than other types of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Claims for dental conditions represent a noteworthy proportion of travel insurance claims made by Australian travellers abroad. More than three-quarters of claims for dental conditions were for conservative, endodontic or prosthodontic treatment. Travellers should be advised to have a dental check-up before departure overseas and to take care with pre-existing dental conditions, which may not be able to be claimed on travel insurance.  相似文献   

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