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Impaired antibody response against T-dependent antigens in rhino mice.
Authors:M Takaoki and H Kawaji
Abstract:The antibody response in rhino mice, which carry a mutant gene hrrh, to thymus-dependent (TD) or thymus-independent (TI) antigens was compared with that of phenotypically normal littermates. The magnitude of antibody response to TD antigens in rhino mice decreased as they grew up, whereas the antibody response to TI antigens in rhino mice was indistinguishable from that of littermates. A transfer of thymus cells from littermates to rhino mice resulted in the partial restoration of the responsiveness to TD antigens. The experiments employing adoptive transfer of spleen cells from rhino mice to the irradiated normal mice suggested that the hyporesponsiveness of TD antigens of adult rhino mice was mainly due to the defect in the T helper cell activities rather than either the increase of the suppressor cells or defects in other cell types.
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