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The diagnostic sensitivity of different F wave parameters
Authors:F. Weber
Affiliation:Department of Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, Military Hospital, Ulm/Donau, Germany.
Abstract:OBJECTIVE—To examine the relative diagnosticsensitivity of various F wave parameters.
METHODS—Normal values for minimum, mean, andmaximum F wave latency, chronodispersion, and persistence in the fourmajor motor nerves were established and systematically applied to atleast four separate categories of patients (radiculopathies,polyneuropathies, mononeuropathies, and others). F Waves were studiedboth isolated and in comparison with other motor nerve conduction parameters.
RESULTS—F Chronodispersion was the most oftenabnormal parameter, particularly in lumbosacral radiculopathies.Minimum F wave latency was more useful in polyneuropathies. Comparedwith minimum F wave latency, F chronodispersion was able to identifymost additional cases.
CONCLUSIONS—F Wave studies should include minimumF wave latency and chronodispersion.

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