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Location of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene(s) and the human esterase D locus.
Authors:P Ward   S Packman   W Loughman   M Sparkes   R Sparkes   A McMahon   T Gregory     A Ablin
Retinoblastoma occurs with increased frequency in children born with a deletion of the long arm of chromosome 13. Recent reviews have noted that the region 13q14 is consistently deleted in documented cases. Prometaphase and late prophase banding allowed Yunis and Ramsay to determine that a deletion in one patient included the sub-bands q14 . 12, q14 . 13, and q14 . 2, and a portion of q14 . 11 and q14 . 3. We report the results of similar cytogenetic techniques applied in the case of a 26 month old Caucasian female with unilateral retinoblastoma, moderate developmental delay, and subtle dysmorphology. Prometaphase banding of cultured skin fibroblasts revealed the karyotype: mos46,XX/46,XX,del(13)(q13 . 1q14 . 11). Only the sub-band q14 . 11 is deleted in both our patient and that of Yunis and Ramsay. The results are consistent with the localisation of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene(s) in the sub-band 13q14 . 11. Electrophoretic analysis and activity assays of red blood cell esterase D are consistent with hemizygous expression of that marker in our proband. Comparison with published esterase D analyses in families with retinoblastoma permits the assignment of the esterase D locus to that same sub-band, 13q14 . 11.
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