Clinical and Experimental Study on the Treatment of Endometriosis with Dan’e Mixture
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中文关键词:  子宫内膜异位症  丹莪合剂  活血祛瘀  疏肝理气  软坚散结  免疫功能  抗子宫内膜抗体
英文关键词:Endometriosis  Dan’e mixture  activate blood circulation to remove stasis  Disperse stagnated Liver Qi  soften hard lumps and dispel nodes  immune functions  anti endometrium antibody
蔡利珊 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
舒晔 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
谢辉英 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
孙琰 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
王文会 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
毛先珍 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
杜玲 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
章小琴 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
阎兆珍 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
傅彩娥 Cai Lishan, Shu Ye, Xie Huiying, et al The Second Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical College, Yunnan (650101 
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全文下载次数: 947
      Objective: To find a medicine to treat endometriosis effectively with less side effect. Methods: Dan’e mixture (DEM, consists of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae and Rhizoma Zedoariae) was used to treat 189 cases of endometriosis and the change of symptom and sign, the B ultrasonograph, the anti endometrium antibody and endometriosis quantitative diagnostic index were observed, another 160 cases were treated with Danazol as control, also using animal model to treat with DEM and Danazol. Results: One hundred and eighty nine cases were treated for 9 months. According to National Standards, 39 cases (20.6%) were cured, 67 cases (35.4%) were markedly effective, 67 cases (35.4%) were effective, and 16 cases (8.4%) were ineffective. Compared with 160 cases treated with Danazol for 9 months, the total effective rates were 95% and 91.5% respectively, the difference between them was insignificant. Animal experiments showed the similar results to the clinical ones. Conclusion: SZM is a safe and effective medicine to treat endometriosis, which deserves further study and development. It is particularly helpful for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of endometriosis in the early stage.