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Preparation and properties of borate bioactive glass scaffolds
中文关键词:  硼酸盐生物玻璃支架  生物活性  生物相容性  骨传导和诱导性  骨修复
英文关键词:Borate bioactive glass scaffold  Bioactivity  Biocompatability  Osteoconduction and osteoinduction  
崔 旭 李 乐 顾刈非 付 强 付海罗 黄文旵* 周 萘 王德平 同济大学材料科学与工程学院上海 201804 
通讯作者:崔 旭 李 乐 顾刈非 付 强 付海罗 黄文旵* 周 萘 王德平  同济大学材料科学与工程学院,上海 201804  
摘要点击次数: 1445
全文下载次数: 509
      [摘要] 目的 考察本实验室制备的类人体小梁骨结构的硼酸盐D-Alk-2B生物玻璃支架的体外生物降解性和生物活性、机械性能、生物相容性以及植入体内时的骨修复性能。方法 ①将D-Alk-2B支架浸泡于0.02 M K2HPO4溶液中,考察生物玻璃支架的失重、抗压强度,浸泡液的pH随浸泡时间的变化。②将MLO-A5细胞种植于D-Alk-2B支架,经不同时间的培养,对支架的细胞成活率、碱性磷酸酶活性以及粘附细胞性能进行测试。③将D-Alk-2B支架植入大鼠皮下肌肉内,评估其骨修复性能。结果 随着浸泡过程的延长,D-Alk-2B支架会逐渐降解并转化为羟基磷灰石而失重,支架的抗压强度也逐渐下降,而浸泡液的pH逐渐升高。细胞实验显示,支架能支持MLO-A5细胞分化和增殖,对碱性磷酸酶有很好的活性,能将MLO-A5细胞粘附其上。支架植入大鼠皮下肌肉,能支持软组织长入其中。结论 制备的硼酸盐D-Alk-2B生物玻璃支架具有优异的生物相容性、生物活性和生物降解性,并具有骨传导和骨诱导性能,是一种前景广泛的临床应用的新型骨修复材料。
      [Abstract] Objective The biodegradation, bioactivity, compressive strength, biocompatibility in vitro and the bone repairing ability in vivo of D-Alk-2B bioactive glass scaffolds were investigated, which were prepared in our lab and have a microstructure similar to that of human trabecular bone. Methods ① D-Alk-2B scaffolds were soaked in 0.02 M K2HPO4 solution to measure the changes in weight loss, compressive strength and pH value of soaking solution with the time. ② D-Alk-2B scaffolds seeded with MLO-A5 cells were cultured with different time to measure the cell viability, alkaline phosphatase activity assay and cell adhesion of the scaffolds. ③ D-Alk-2B scaffolds was implanted into subcutaneous pockets in the dorsum of the rats to evaluate the bone repairing ability. Results During immersed in K2HPO4 solution, the D-Alk-2B scaffolds gradually degraded and converted to Hydroapatite (HA), and the compressive strength of them decreased, while the pH value of solution increased with soaking time. D-Alk-2B scaffolds could support the proliferation and differentiation of MLO-A5 cells, have good ALP activity and MLO-A5 cells could attach on the surface of the scaffolds. After implanted in rat subcutaneous, the scaffold could support soft tissue infiltration. Conclusion D-Alk-2B bioactive glass scaffolds prepared in our lab have excellent biodegradation, bioactivity, biocompatibility, and have osteoconductivity and osteoinductivity, which would be a novel bone tissue engineering material having wildly prospect and clinic applications.
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