引用本文:王湘君 郝元涛 周慧明 赵劭娟 吴忠道.中山大学临床医学生对公共卫生课程教学评价的调查研究[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2015,14(8):791-796
Evaluation of the teaching activity on the courses correlated with public health from the clinical medical students in Sun Yat-sen university
中文关键词:  临床医学专业  公共卫生课程  学生评教  问卷调查
英文关键词:Clinical medical students  Public health courses  Student evaluation of teach-ing  Questionnaire survey
王湘君 郝元涛 周慧明 赵劭娟 吴忠道 Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-Sen University 
摘要点击次数: 894
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      目的 了解分析我校临床医学生对公共卫生课程教学的评价意见,为改进教学提供参考依据。方法 以我校已修完《医学统计学》《流行病学》和《预防医学》(后分别简称:统计、流病、预防)的临床医学专业学生五年制840人和八年制278人为调查对象,采用“课堂教学评价问卷”对上述3门课程的教学态度、教学内容、教学方法、教学效果等方面进行调查,以了解学生对课程的教学评价。通过SPSS 13.0软件,运用描述分析、均值比较分析、等级Logistic回归等统计学方法对数据进行分析。结果 总体评教得分(4.04±0.60),五年制和八年制之间的评教得分比较:统计P=0.000、流病P=0.269、预防P=0.047;4个维度得分比较:教学效果<教学方法<教学内容<教学态度,教学内容和教学效果对总体满意度均有影响(P<0.05),两者的标准偏回归系数比较:β'教学内容>β'教学效果。结论 总体教学评价良好,但教学效果和教学方法这两方面有待提高,教学内容是对教学总体满意度的最主要影响因素。
      Objective To evaluate the teaching activity on public health courses from clinical medical students in our university in order to provide a scientific basis for improving the curriculum design and teaching reform. Methods The “Questionnaire on Teaching Evaluation in Public Health Courses”, including teaching attitude, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching effectiveness was designed, and a general investigation was conducted among the clinical medical students of five-year program (840 students) and eight-year program (278 students) in these three aspects to under-stand students' evaluation to the course, who had finished the public health courses, including Preven-tive Medicine, Medical Statistics and Epidemiology (hereinafter referred to as: statistics, epidemiology, prevention) in Sun Yat-sen University. Statistical analysis was made using SPSS 13.0 software. Data analysis methods contain descriptive analysis, T-test, ANOVA, LSD, SNK, hierarchical logistic regres-sion analysis, etc. Results The overall score of teaching evaluation is (4.04±0.60). Differences exist between the evaluation in the five-year medical students and the eight-year medical students. The P values were 0.000 (Medical Statistics), 0.269 (Epidemiology), 0.047 (Preventive Medicine). The com-parison of scores among the four dimensions shows: Teaching effectiveness < Teaching methods < Teaching content < Teaching attitude. Both teaching content and teaching effectiveness have shown an impact on the overall satisfaction (P<0.05). By comparing the standard partial regression coefficients, the result is: β' content > β' effectiveness. Conclusions Clinical Medical students' overall evaluation on the public health courses offered by this university was good. Teaching effectiveness and teaching methods still need improvement. Teaching contents are the most influential factor of overall teaching satisfaction, followed by teaching effectiveness.
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