Clinical Research on Ningxin Anshen Prescription Medicine Combined with Acupuncture and Massage in Improving Sleep Quality of Insomnia Patients
中文关键词:  宁心安神中药组方  失眠  针药结合
English Keywords:Ningxin Anshen prescription  Insomnia  Acupuncture combined with medicine
王燕,杨双,李晓娣 四川遂宁市中心医院中西医结合科遂宁629000 
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      目的:观察宁心安神中药组方联合针灸推拿对失眠患者睡眠质量的改善作用,以期为失眠的治疗提供借鉴。方法:选取在2010年4月至2012年6月来我院就诊的符合纳入标准的失眠患者为研究对象,将患者随机分为三组,中药组、针刺组、联合组,中药组予以宁心安神中药组方,1剂/d,针刺组予以针刺四神聪、印堂、安眠、太阳穴,1次/3 d,4次为1个疗程,联合组予以宁心安神中药组方联合针刺四神聪、印堂、安眠、太阳穴,治疗方法同中药组及针刺组,治疗2个疗程,疗程间隔3 d。观察治疗前后匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI),评价疗效。结果:我们发现:联合组有效率100%,高于中药组及针刺组,通过秩和检验,三组比较,χ2 =7.493,P=0.024<0.05,差异有统计学意义;联合组与针刺组比较,Z=-2.579,P=0.009<0.05,差异有统计学意义,说明联合组优于针刺组;余比较,P>0.05,差异无统计学意义;治疗前PSQI各项评分比较无统计学意义,P>0.05;治疗后,入睡时间、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠暂碍、日间功能、总分,进行方差分析后,P<0.05,说明三组比较PSQI各项评分,有差异,差异有统计学意义;联合组与中药组比较,P<0.05;联合组与针刺组比较,P<0.05;中药组与针刺组比较,P>0.05。说明,联合组治疗后PSQI各项评分优于中药组及针刺组。结论:宁心安神中药组方及针刺治疗均能均能显著改善患者的睡眠,但是二者联合优于单纯中药或针刺方法。
English Summary:
      To investigate the effect of Ningxin Anshen prescription combined with acupuncture and massage on the sleep quality of insomnia patients, serving to provide reference for the treatment of insomnia.Methods:Insomnia patients treated in our hospital from April 2010 to June 2012 who met the inclusion criteria were selected as study objects. Patients were randomly divided into three groups, traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Group, Acupuncture Group, Combination Group. Patients in the TCM group were treated with Ningxin Anshen prescription once a day. Patients in acupuncture group received acupuncture on Sishencong, Yintang, Anmian, Taiyang; one treatment every three days, and four times per course of treatment. The Combination Group applied Ningxin Anshen prescription combined with acupuncture in Sishencong, Yintang, Anmian, Taiyang, and treatment method was the same with TCM group and acupuncture group. Two courses of treatment were given with treatment interval of three days. Before and after treatment, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was evaluated.Results:The effective rate of combination group was 100%, which was significantly higher than that of the TCM group and acupuncture group (by rank sum test, the three groups, χ2=7.493,P=0.024<0.05); comparing combination group and acupuncture group,Z=-2.579,P=0.009<0.05, and the difference was statistically significant, indicating that the combination group was better than the acupuncture group; the PSQI score before treatment was with no significant difference,P>0.05; after treatment, sleep time, sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep temporarily hinder, daytime function, scores, analysis of variance,P<0.05, illustrating the three groups PSQI score, there were significant differences; the combination group and TCM group,P<0.05; combination group and acupuncture group,P<0.05; TCM group and acupuncture group,P>0.05. After treatment, PSQI score of combination group was better than TCM group and the acupuncture group.Conclusion:Ningxin Anshen prescription and acupuncture can both significantly improve patients sleep, but the combination of the two is superior.
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