引用本文:蒋宇峰,施燕华,李 璟,施柳辉,王伟明.经直肠超声前列腺增生形态参数与膀胱出口梗阻的相关性分析[J].中国临床新医学,2015,8(7):617-620.
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蒋宇峰,施燕华,李 璟,施柳辉,王伟明
202157 上海,崇明县第二人民医院泌尿外科(蒋宇峰,施燕华,李 璟,施柳辉);200092 上海,上海交通大学附属新华医院泌尿外科(王伟明)
[摘要] 目的 探讨良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者经直肠超声(TRUS)下前列腺体积参数与尿动力学检查结果的相关性,评价各体积参数对膀胱出口梗阻的诊断价值。方法 回顾分析57例BPH患者的临床资料,行经直肠前列腺彩色超声测量前列腺的左右径R1、上下径R2、前后径R3、前列腺移行区体积(TZV)。并行尿流动力学检查,计算AG值,并根据AG值分组,AG>40为A组,AG值介于20~40之间为B组,AG<20为C组,利用pearson相关性分析以及单因素方差分析探讨前列腺体积参数与AG值的相关性。结果 利用pearson相关性分析得到此次研究中前列腺上下径R2与AG的相关系数为0.822,P<0.05;TZV与AG的相关系数为0.831,P<0.05,膀胱出口梗阻程度与前列腺上下径R2及TZV呈正相关,而与前列腺左右横径R1及前列腺前后径R3不相关;根据AG值分组后三组间前列腺上下径R2、前列腺移行区体积TZV比较的F值分别为33.766、33.048,对应的P值均<0.05,差异具有统计学意义。前列腺左右横径R1及前列腺前后径R3三组间无显著差异。结论 前列腺上下径R2、前列腺移行区体积TZV与膀胱出口梗阻的程度呈正相关,可作为前列腺增生所致下尿路梗阻的参考指标。
关键词:  前列腺增生  经直肠超声  尿流动力学  膀胱出口梗阻
分类号:R 697+.3
Correlations between the parameters of prostate volume measured by TRUS and bladder outlet obstruction
JIANG Yu-feng, SHI Yan-hua, LI Jing, et al.
Department of Urology, the Second People′s Hospital of Chongming County, Shanghai 202157, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the correlations between the parameters of prostate volume and the urine dynamics test results in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) using transrectal ultrasound(TRUS), and to evaluate the value of these parameters on the diagnosis of bladder outlet obstruction.Methods The clinical data were retrospectively analyzed in 57 patients with BPH. The left/right diameter R1, the up/down diameter R2, the front/back diameter R3 and prostate transition zone volume(TZV) of the prostate were measured by rectum prostatic color ultrasound. The test of parallel urine flow dynamic was performed and the AG value was calculated. According to the values of AG, the patients were divided into group A(AG>40),group B(20≤AG≤40), and group C(AG<20). Pearson correlation analysis and single factor variance analysis were used to study the correlations between the parameters of prostate volume and AG values.Results The correlation coefficient between R2 and AG was 0.822, P<0.05; The correlation coefficient between TZV and AG was 0.831, P<0.05. The degree of bladder outlet obstruction was positively correlated with R2 and TZV, but had no correlation with R1 and R3; According to AG values, comparisons of F values among the three groups in R2 and TZV were 33.766 and 33.048 respectively, P<0.05. There were no significant differences in R1 and R3 among the three groups.Conclusion There is a positive correlation between prostate up/down diameter R2, prostate transition zone volume TZV and bladder outlet obstruction degree, which can be used as diagnosis indicator for urinary tract obstruction caused by prostatic hyperplasia.
Key words:  Prostate hyperplasia  Trans-rectal ultrasound  Urodynamics  Bladder outlet obstruction