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Research progress of synovial fluid detection in the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection
中文关键词:  人工关节置换  关节假体周围感染  关节滑液检测  诊断
英文关键词:Arthroplasty  Periprosthetic joint infection  Synovial fluid detection  Diagnosis
邢赛 彭昊*  
通讯作者:邢赛 彭昊*    
摘要点击次数: 366
全文下载次数: 491
      关节假体周围感染(periprosthetic joint infection,PJI)是人工关节置换术后可能发生的一种严重并发症,其导致的严重后果,无论对于医生还是患者来说,都很难接受。目前,由于多种不确定因素的存在,PJI诊断的准确性较低。传统的血清学检查、影像学检查有一定的价值,但是易受全身情况的影响,导致特异性不高。为了正确诊断关节假体周围感染,不同学科的研究人员采用各种不同的方法进行了大量的诊断研究,并取得了丰富的成果。近年来,关节滑液炎性标志物检测、分子生物学方法等被研究证实具有较高的敏感性和特异性。因此,关节滑液CRP、α-防御素、白细胞酯酶、PCR技术等被广泛研究,期望能从中找到诊断关节假体周围感染的特异性指标,提高临床诊断的准确性。
      Periprosthetic joint infection is a serious complication after arthroplasty, which may cause serious health and economic burden. At present, the diagnosis of PJI is difficult due to the interference of multiple confounding factors. Traditional serological examination and imaging examination have certain value, but they are easy to be affected by systemic conditions, resulting in low specificity. In order to correctly diagnose the PJI, many methods involving different disciplines have been tried. In recent years, the detection of inflammatory markers of synovial fluid,and molecular biological methods have been proved to have high sensitivity and specificity. Therefore, joint synovial fluid CRP, α-defensin, leukocyte esterase, PCR technology and other technologies have been widely studied, hoping to find reliable indicators for the diagnosis of joint prosthesis infection and guide clinical application.
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