口腔医学 ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 53-57.doi: 10.13591/j.cnki.kqyx.2022.01.009

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


倪洁丽1,2, 吴青蘅1,2, 侯伟1,2, 蔡华阳1,2, 张阳1,2, 郭舒瑜1,2   

  1. 1 南京医科大学附属口腔医院正畸科,江苏南京(210029);
    2 南京医科大学口腔疾病研究江苏省重点实验室,江苏南京(210029)
  • 修回日期:2021-10-15 出版日期:2022-01-28 发布日期:2022-01-28
  • 通讯作者: 郭舒瑜 E-mail:syguo@njmu.edu.cn
    张阳 E-mail:zyorth@njmu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

CBCT study on position changes of incisors and lips after orthodontic treatment in adult female patients with convex facial profiles

NI Jieli, WU Qingheng, HOU Wei, CAI Huayang, ZHANG Yang, GUO Shuyu   

  1. Department of Orthodontics, the Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China
  • Revised:2021-10-15 Online:2022-01-28 Published:2022-01-28

摘要: 目的 研究凸面型成年女性正畸拔牙矫正后切牙位置和唇组织改变及其相关性。方法 选取39例2017—2021年完成正畸治疗的凸面型年轻女性,采用正畸拔牙矫治。对治疗前后的CBCT进行3D重叠,测量分析软硬组织变化及相关性。结果 正畸治疗后,SNA、U1-SN、上下唇到E线距离及鼻唇角的改变具有统计学意义。上中切牙内收量与治疗前上中切牙唇倾度、上唇到E线距离呈正相关;下唇内收量与治疗前下唇到E线距离呈正相关。回归方程分别为上唇内收量= 0.174×上切牙内收量+1.103,下唇内收量= 0.520×下切牙内收量+1.590。结论 基于3D影像重叠分析,初步证实对凸面型成年女性患者进行正畸拔牙治疗,并通过控制切牙位置,可以有效改善唇部和面部突度,改善软组织面型,塑造唇部和侧貌美观。

关键词: 唇改变, 凸面型, 拔牙, 正畸治疗

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the position change of incisor and lip after orthodontic extraction treatment in adult female patients with convex facial profiles and its correlation. Methods Thirty-nine adult female patients with convex facial profiles who received orthodontic treatment from 2017 to 2019 were selected. All subjects had undergone orthodontic tooth extraction. 3D superimpositions of CBCT scans before and after treatment, were analyzed for hard and soft tissue measurement. Results The study showed that SNA, U1-SN, UL-EP, LL-EP and naso-labial angle changed significantly after treatment. The retraction of the upper incisors was positively correlated with the degree of U1-SN and UL-EP before orthodontic treatment. There was a positive correlation between lower lip retraction and LL-EP before orthodontic treatment. Besides, the linear regression equation between the upper incisors and lip was y=0.174x+1.103(y, the retraction of upper lip; x, the retraction of upper incisors); the linear regression equation between the lower incisors and lip was y=0. 520x+1.590(y, the retraction of lower lip; x, the retraction of lower incisors). Conclusion Based on the study on superimpositions of 3D images, it is verified that orthodontists can effectively alleviate lip and facial protrusion, improve soft tissue profile, through orthodontic extraction treatment and by controlling the position of incisors in adult female patients with convex facial profiles.

Key words: lip change, convex facial profile, extraction, orthodontic treatment
