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中华肾病研究电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (05) : 219 -225. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3216.2019.05.006

所属专题: 文献


王宏1, 周建辉1,(), 曹雪莹1, 黄静1, 蔡广研1, 陈香美1,()   
  1. 1. 100853 北京,解放军总医院第一医学中心肾脏病科、解放军肾脏病研究所、肾脏疾病国家重点实验室(2011DAV00088)、国家慢性肾病临床医学研究中心、肾脏疾病研究北京市重点实验室
  • 收稿日期:2019-06-21 出版日期:2019-10-28
  • 通信作者: 周建辉, 陈香美
  • 基金资助:

Screening of statistical models for risk factors of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis

Hong Wang1, Jianhui Zhou1,(), Xueying Cao1, Jing Huang1, Guangyan Cai1, Xiangmei Chen1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Nephrology, The First Medical Centre, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Chinese PLA Institute of Nephrology, State Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Kidney Diseases, Beijing Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, Beijing 100853, China
  • Received:2019-06-21 Published:2019-10-28
  • Corresponding author: Jianhui Zhou, Xiangmei Chen
  • About author:
    Corresponding authors: Chen Xiangmei, Email:
    Zhou Jianhui, Email:

王宏, 周建辉, 曹雪莹, 黄静, 蔡广研, 陈香美. 腹膜透析相关腹膜炎危险因素研究的统计模型筛选[J]. 中华肾病研究电子杂志, 2019, 08(05): 219-225.

Hong Wang, Jianhui Zhou, Xueying Cao, Jing Huang, Guangyan Cai, Xiangmei Chen. Screening of statistical models for risk factors of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis[J]. Chinese Journal of Kidney Disease Investigation(Electronic Edition), 2019, 08(05): 219-225.










To screen statistical methods that are suitable for studying risk factors of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis so as to provide new ideas for clinical research of peritonitis.


Nine statistical models were selected for comparative analysis, including six models without time-dependent covariates: logistic regression, Poisson regression, negative binomial regression, COX regression, AG model, and PWP-CP model; and three models with time-dependent covariates: COX regression, AG model, and PWP-CP model. The statistical data were obtained from patients with end-stage renal disease who started peritoneal dialysis treatment from January 2013 to December 2016 in the Peritoneal Dialysis Center of The First Medical Center, Chinese PLA General Hospital. The data were collected until December 2018. Through the analysis of the clinical characteristics of peritonitis, and the comparison between the statistical models and results, the suitable statistical model was selected.


From the clinical data of peritonitis, as a dependent variable, the peritonitis event consists of three elements: "time of occurrence" , "number of occurrences" , and "order of occurrence" . As independent variables, most of the covariates were time-dependent. The three-dimensional dependent variables and the varying independent variables together constituted complex clinical data. In terms of data integrity, only the PWP-CP model could include the "three elements of peritonitis" . In terms of statistical models fitting, the Poisson model was too discrete to enter the data of this study. The model based on the time-dependent covariates was better to fit than the model using the baseline data. In terms of statistical results, the model with time-dependent covariates avoided the bias caused by the simple use of baseline data, making the statistical results closer to the real situation.


In the study of risk factors of peritonitis, more realistic research results could be obtained only by ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the data as much as possible. In this study, by analyzing the data of peritonitis and comparing the statistical results of each model, it was found that the PWP-CP model with time-dependent covariates was more suitable for studying the risk factors of peritonitis.

表1 六种统计模型可纳入的腹膜炎要素
表2 基线特征和组间比较[±s,中位数(Q1-Q3),例数(%) ]
变量 全部患者(n=296) 非腹膜炎组(n=227) 腹膜炎组(n=69) t/z/χ2 P值
男性 63.2% 63.9% 60.9% 0.206 0.650
年龄(岁) 47(34-57) 47(34-57) 46(34-58) -0.215 0.830
年龄(≥65岁) 12.8% 13.2% 11.6% 0.124 0.724
继往血液透析史 28.7% 29.1% 27.5% 0.061 0.805
身高(cm) 167.29±8.39 167.5±8.21 166.61±8.98 0.770 0.442
体重(kg) 65.86±13.80 65.96±13.04 65.52±16.14 0.229 0.819
BMI(kg/m2) 23.39±3.79 23.39±3.61 23.40±4.36 -0.019 0.985
肥胖(BMI≥28 kg/m2) 10.8% 8.8% 17.4% 4.041 0.044
糖尿病 14.5% 14.5% 14.5% <0.001 0.993
血糖(mmol/L) 4.96±1.45 4.84±1.25 5.34±1.94 -1.990 0.049
心血管疾病 52.7% 54.6% 46.4% 1.444 0.229
收缩压(mmHg) 144.65±18.35 144.65±18.60 144.65±17.66 -0.002 0.998
舒张压(mmHg) 88.21±13.51 88.06±13.23 88.71±14.50 -0.351 0.726
平均动脉压(mmHg) 106.66±14.73 106.45±14.93 107.36±14.12 -0.448 0.655
血红蛋白(g/L) 100.51±18.96 100.05±19.48 102±17.22 -0.745 0.457
贫血 31.1% 32.6% 26.1% 1.048 0.306
血清白蛋白(g/L) 35.3(32.0-38.70) 35.4(32.08-38.7) 35(31.55-38.85) -0.220 0.921
低白蛋白血症 47.3% 46.3% 50.7% 0.424 0.515
谷草转氨酶(mmol/L) 13.3(9.7-18.7) 13.2(9.5-18.3) 14.4(10.3-21.0) -1.177 0.238
谷丙转氨酶(mmol/L) 12.9(9.60-19.50) 12.7(9.45-19.75) 14.6(10.75-19.13) -1.362 0.220
总胆红素(mmol/L) 5(4.10-6.60) 5.1(4.10-6.68) 4.6(3.90-5.88) -1.583 0.347
甘油三酯(mmol/L) 1.4(0.99-1.94) 1.44(1.04-1.95) 1.28(0.95-1.87) -0.819 0.469
总胆固醇(mmol/L) 4.39±0.98 4.35±0.93 4.51±1.13 -1.143 0.254
低密度脂蛋白(mmol/L) 2.69(2.18-3.34) 2.70(2.22-3.29) 2.59(2.10-3.47) -0.170 0.865
高密度脂蛋白(mmol/L) 1.06(0.85-1.35) 1.06(0.86-1.33) 1.07(0.82-1.51) -0.500 0.546
血钾(mmol/L) 4.13±0.64 4.13±0.62 4.13±0.70 0.069 0.945
低血钾 15.9% 15.9% 15.9% <0.001 0.987
血钠(mmol/L) 141.07±3.21 140.86±3.32 141.76±2.77 -2.033 0.053
血氯(mmol/L) 100.47±18.05 100.65±20.53 99.86±4.15 0.318 0.751
血镁(mmol/L) 0.93(0.84-1.02) 0.93(0.84-1.04) 0.93(0.84-1.01) -0.345 0.568
血钙(mmol/L) 2.13(2.02-2.23) 2.13(2.02-2.23) 2.15(2.02-2.26) -0.758 0.315
血磷(mmol/L) 1.53(1.28-1.82) 1.54(1.30-1.85) 1.48(1.16-1.78) -1.344 0.164
全段甲状旁腺激素(μg/ml) 191.4(104.85-333.40) 200.3(112.90-335.65) 179.5(80.88-305.65) -1.238 0.245
血尿素氮(mmol/L) 19.81±6.58 19.96±6.78 19.31±5.90 0.721 0.471
血肌酐(μmol/L) 809.9±287.8 818.0±283.5 783.0±301.9 0.886 0.376
残余肾功能(ml/min) 4.43±3.35 4.28±3.24 4.90±3.65 -1.290 0.198
尿量(L/d) 1.24±0.67 1.23±0.63 1.26±0.76 -0.378 0.706
净超滤量(L/d) 0.11±0.53 0.11±0.37 0.09±0.88 0.248 0.805
腹膜尿素清除指数(Kt/V) 1.1(0.89-1.37) 1.09(0.89-1.37) 1.15(0.91-1.45) -0.215 0.846
肾脏尿素清除指数(Kt/V) 0.76(0.41-1.17) 0.73(0.39-1.14) 0.77(0.46-1.30) -0.902 0.682
每周总尿素清除指数(Kt/V) 1.91(1.55-2.43) 1.91(1.51-2.37) 1.98(1.58-2.55) -0.770 0.782
腹膜Ccr (L/1.73 m2) 34.78(31.46-39.11) 34.86(31.78-39.31) 33.27(30.86-38.41) -1.159 0.306
肾脏Ccr (L/1.73 m2) 37.87(17.23-66.41) 36.68(16.67-64.67) 40.59(19.83-80.91) -1.107 0.205
每周总Ccr (L/1.73 m2) 72.07(54.44-99.95) 71.59(53.75-98.79) 73.06(57.83-109.54) -0.865 0.545
腹膜转运功能 0.72±0.11 0.72±0.11 0.71±0.11 0.932 0.352
表3 共线性诊断
表4 使用不含时依协变量的6种模型进行腹膜炎危险因素的多因素分析
表5 使用含时依协变量的模型进行腹膜炎危险因素的多因素分析
表6 各模型拟合统计量
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