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童国俊, 严强, 张贵阳, 陈燕, 祁飞, 余胜, 徐旭婷, 钮萍萍, 刘剑, 郑照正
关键词:  结直肠癌 TNM 分期 预后
Correlation of tumor size classification with TNM classification and prognosis of colorectal cancer
Huzhou Central Hospital
Objective To investigate the correlation of tumor size classifications with TNM classification and prognosis of colorectal cancer. Methods Clinical data 538 patients with colorectal cancer, who were surgically treated from January 2006 to January 2010 and followed for 5 years, were retrospectively reviewed. The tumor grades were classified by three tumor size classifications: classification A (≤1, >1~≤3, >3~≤5, >5), classification B (≤2, >2~≤5, >5), classification C (≤2, >2~≤ 4, >4). The correlation of three tumor size classifications with TNM 6th combined sub-staging was analyzed with CROSS TAB and exact 字2 test. Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival analysis, the multivariate COX regression was applied to analyze the independent factors for prognosis. Results Three tumor size classifications were positively correlated with TNM stages (rs=0.436, 0.379 and 0.415, all P<0.01). There were significant differences in 5-year overall survival rate among different grades in all three classifications (all P<0.01). Multivariate Cox regression showed that the risk coefficients of three classifications were (0.401, 95% CI:0.025-6.412, P=0.006), (4.586,95% CI:0.523-40.181, P=0.169) and (1.121, 95% CI:0.816-1.541, P=0.48). Conclusion Three tumor size classifications are correlated to TNM stage and prognosis of colorectal cancer, while only classification A is an independent determinant factor for prognosis of patient.
Key words:  CRC TNM stage Prognosis