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叶红  刘庆宪  宋永健
浙江省温州市第三人民医院神经内科 325000(叶红,刘庆宪)
,上海第二医科大学瑞金医院神经内科 200025(宋永健)
中文摘要:头痛是临床的常见病多发病,国际上早有人提出了头痛与癫痫关系密切的看法,国内也有临床少见的头痛型癫痫的报道,本文对近10年71例临床头痛儿童脑电图进行观察分析,以对头痛型癫痫的概念与诊断进行探讨。资料和方法 1.一般资料:71例取自1996年10月~2001年
Clinical significance of the electroencephalograms of 71 children with headache
Liu Qingxian Xu Yunyi. Sahanghai Second Medical University  shanghai 200025 Huashan Hospital  Shanghai Medical University  shanghai 200040
Abstract:The diagnosis is based on recurrent headache and the presence of epileptifonn activeites in electtoenc ephalogram (EEG), The EEG data of 71 children suspected headache epilepsy were analyzed.Epileptifonn acdvites appeared only in the EEG of Spatients (2.8
keywords:Headache EEG Epilepsy
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